Summer of Celebration: More Store, More Sole

In April of this year, Youth Homes Thrift Shop expanded to provide more space, hold more treasures, and create more impact for young people served by Youth Homes. What made this project all the more special is that it was run by one of the young adults who receives our services. He helped create project plans, remove shelving, build furniture and fixtures, and was a part of each step of the hard work that went into adding this space to our amazing store.  

Youth Homes Thrift Shop is a significant fundraising engine for Youth Homes. Goods sold = impact to fund the incredible work we do with youth in our community. In retail, revenue is measured per square foot, and the expansion created an additional 250 square feet of selling space. Formally a cluttered storeroom, the space is now dedicated to selling beautiful housewares. Thank you so much to our incredible volunteer maintenance team who did such a fantastic job of mentoring this young person and helping with the execution of this project.  

Other causes for celebration included our annual back-to-school shoe drive and the continued dedication of our strong team of over 50 volunteers.  On a beautiful, sunny morning in July we hosted More Store, More Sole at Youth Homes Thrift Shop and had a terrific time celebrating our volunteers and team, admiring the new space, and showing gratitude for all those who donated to our shoe drive – including one generous corporate partner who fulfilled the remainder of our clients’ shoe wishlist. Over 70 brand new pairs of shoes were collected, from popular Nikes to Crocs. Having a new pair of shoes not only meets a basic need but provides a sense of dignity. It’s a tangible reminder that our youth are seen, heard, and supported. It sends a powerful message that they have a community rallying behind them. 

If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to be someone who cares so immensely about their community, their planet, and their local youth every day, visit our store and speak to our volunteers. We are so lucky to have the warmest, most welcoming team, some of whom have been with us for 20 years! Their tireless efforts help build a space where everyone feels valued. Thank you also to our thrift shop manager, Danielle John, who is so dedicated to serving our youth and runs our community hub so seamlessly, and to Paula Thompson of REMAX Accord for sponsoring our delicious breakfast.  

The way Youth Homes Thrift Shop has transformed since its remodel one year ago is unbelievable – so much brighter, so many more youth events being hosted, and donation drives that fill our store with beautiful secondhand treasures. Most of all, the way it has drawn so many more of our young people to it and encouraged them to take advantage of the incredible resource it is. 

As always, none of it would be able to unfold without the caring community around us. This village of ours really does make so many “impossibles” possible. 


New Backpack, New Confidence


Lafayette Community Day at Cherry Lane