Boys Team Charity Garden Makeover!

What’s better than a group of volunteers getting together on a warm day for some gardening?

EBS Garden Makeover Volunteers

At Youth Homes, we’re honored to partner with many community organizations including Boys Team Charity (BTC). Recently, the Danville chapter of BTC came out to support us with a garden makeover! 

Ronnie Mabou, Director of Operational Compliance and Services, says, “These gardens are a cornerstone of the programming we offer to youth aged 12 to 18. Participation increases their ability to discover their hobbies, engage in the community, and learn financial literacy. We want youth to be able to explore their passions and interests, and have opportunities to build lifelong connections within the community.”

Garden Program EBS

What started as six beds of overgrowth from the last season of growing turned into beds ready for planting! BTC volunteers came out to join the Youth Homes team to completely “makeover” one of our gardens. As part of our Enrichment Program, these gardens engage our youth in hands-on organic gardening. They have the opportunity to take part in cooking activities using their harvested produce and build vocational skills like teamwork and time management as well.

“The heart of our Enrichment Program is to support youth in not only surviving but thriving and having new opportunities and experiences they may not have had before,” says Giselle Supar, Clinical Supervisor. To say we’re excited to get planting is an understatement!

THANK YOU, BTC Danville for making a real difference in the lives of our youth!

In September volunteers from BTC Lamorinda will be helping with a garden makeover at Cherry Lane. Stay tuned for updates!


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