Winter Wishes Come True Thanks to Lamorinda Families

A difficult truth about the youth in our programs is that the holidays have not always been “the most wonderful time of the year.” Challenging family situations or resource scarcity that our youth often experience don’t exactly reflect the joy and perfection that are advertised during this season. 

Out of kindness and generosity, a group of exceptional Lamorinda families stepped in this year to create the merriest and brightest holiday for youth in our residential program. There is nothing like seeing the magic of the holidays through the eyes of a young person, and we have been so lucky to experience that all season long thanks to this wonderful group.  

Before sleigh bells started ringing, the festivities began! During the Thanksgiving break, our youth were surprised with movie gift cards and candy. Together with staff, they enjoyed watching “Strange World” in the theater as they relaxed during their time off from school. 

In early December, our youth decorated a Christmas tree in their living room with tons of lovely, donated ornaments. As if one beautiful tree wasn’t fun enough, they were each given their own mini tree to keep in their room and decorate to their liking. With advent calendars delivered that same day, it was already shaping up to be a very festive month! 

In the middle of the holiday fun, one of our residential youth celebrated a birthday complete with gifts, cake, decorations, and a delicious meal! Our guest of honor squealed with delight as they opened their gifts. You could see the joy on their face as they celebrated with other youth and staff.  

The youth who come into our care may never have had the opportunity to ask for and receive exactly what they want during the holidays – much less have the surprise of extra gifts and activities. This year, our youth were able to create a wish list of exactly what they wanted to see under the tree and all their winter wishes came true!

With cookie baking, gingerbread house decorating, and a pizza party in between, we are so lucky to get to spend this time with these young people. Behind the bright smiles and excitement, this season has helped our youth feel safe and shown them that there are so many people who care about them and what they want. 

All of our gratitude goes to Leslie, Gayle, Michele, and every member of the Lamorinda families who helped remind us that all young people deserve this much care. The joy we’ve seen in our youth this holiday is a reflection of the dedication and generosity shown by our donors and volunteers.  

On behalf of our clients and the entire Youth Homes team – thank you. We wish for the kindness and cheer you bring to our youth to be returned to you in the same beautiful way! 


Enrichment Under The Sea


A Year of TAY Events: What have we been up to?